12 500 000 Ft
Szerkezeti adatok
- Falszerkezet: Tégla
- Tetőhéjazat: Cserép
- Födém anyaga: Fafödém
The Levendula Ingatlankösvetító Iroda offers for sale a 60 m2, 2-room, all-comfort family house on a 401 m2 plot in Nagyatád, in the city of spas and parks, in Petőfi Street.
Room inventory: 2 rooms, kitchen, pantry, hallway, bathroom with toilet.
Outbuilding: 1 workshop, 1 dry parking space.
Utilities: water, electricity, sewage, gas.
Renovation works: gas boiler replacement.
After the renovation of the brick-built, tile-roofed residential building, it can become a comfortable home.
The city’s public transport option is bus transport.
We will listen to offers that differ from the target price.
Our office provides assistance in credit mediation if needed and has a relationship with lawyers and energy providers at favorable rates. Call as soon as possible and view the property to see the potential of a comfortable home hidden within.
Target price: HUF 12.5 million.
- Fűtés: Gázkazán
- Fürdő és WC kapcsolata: Egy helyiségben
- Komfortfokozat: Összkomfortos